Benefits of Wood Shake Shingles For Residential Roofing

What are the benefits of wood shake shingles for residential roofing? These shingles are made of sustainably harvested wood or repurposed lumber. Their long life and low impact on water runoff make them a green choice. Whether you are building a new home or remodeling an existing one, wood shake shingles are an investment in environmental stewardship. Residential roofing systems are also easier to clean and maintain than commercial systems, as there are usually fewer roofs to inspect for damage. Residential roofing systems differ depending on the size and style of each building.
Resistant to high winds

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, your roof may be in need of a special protection against high winds. Hurricane-resistant roofing is not only essential for hurricane-prone areas, but it’s also necessary for homes in tornado-prone areas. In fact, Florida has special building codes for these homes. Wind-resistant roofs are also a requirement for homes in states with severe tropical storms, such as Alabama and Missouri.

Among the best materials for wind-resistant roofing are metal and tile. If you must use a shingle roof, choose the type that meets IRC Class 4 impact resistance requirements. Asphalt shingles may not be as wind-resistant as slate or metal tiles, but there are special brands of asphalt shingles that are resistant to strong winds. These types of roofing materials will last a long time and minimize damage due to storms.

Easy to maintain

The roofing on your home is a vital part of your home’s vitality, so maintaining it is crucial. Other important parts of your home include windows and heating and air conditioning systems, but none are as essential as your roof. If you want to ensure that your home’s roof stays in good shape for years to come, here are some easy ways to do it. Keep reading to learn more about residential roofing and how to take care of it properly.

Remove limbs and debris from your roof. Tree branches near your roof can cause immediate damage and may also provide easy access to unwanted animals. Make sure you regularly clean your roof to prevent this. Depending on your climate and location, this maintenance will require more frequent visits. If you live in a wooded area, you should inspect your roof more often. Listed below are some tips on how to maintain your roof. Once a year, you should check your roof for any threatening branches.


When it comes to selecting a new roof, there are a few factors that you should consider: cost, aesthetics, durability, energy efficiency, sustainability, and longevity. You’ll also want to consider your needs with regard to your roof, as energy efficiency can add a significant amount to your monthly electric bill. If you’re not sure what to look for in a new roof, consider these three factors when choosing a material:

Cost-Per-Square-Foot: Although asphalt is the most common type of residential roofing, shingles can be the least expensive. Wood shakes and slate are both affordable choices, but can be more expensive. The lifespan of wood shake and slate roofs depends on the climate, as well as the level of maintenance they get. In dry climates, wood shingles can last up to 60 years. In wet climates, however, they can be subject to extensive damage from rain and other weather conditions.


The growing environmental concerns in our society are fueling the demand for environmentally friendly technology, and this includes roofing. Homeowners have become increasingly interested in installing green residential roofing systems. The benefits of green residential roofing systems are obvious, but the initial costs aren’t cheap. Depending on the type of green roof, maintenance costs and payback periods vary significantly. However, green roofs typically pay for themselves over time. Here are some things to consider before investing in a green roof:

First, green roofs help reduce energy bills by absorbing rainwater, and they provide additional insulation for buildings. This, in turn, increases energy efficiency and reduces carbon footprints. In addition, they reduce air pollution and combat urban heat island effects. Green roofs are so effective, that in New York City, there are over 700 buildings with green roofs. The city has about 40,000 acres of available rooftop space. Green roofs have an additional benefit: they help combat climate change.


Choosing a greener residential roof is a great way to help the environment while maintaining a beautiful, functional home. Green roofs help reduce runoff and pollution by absorbing stormwater, increasing evapotranspiration and allowing it to dissipate slowly. In addition, they help the environment by capturing pollutants from the air and preventing them from leaching into water supplies. These are just a few of the benefits of green roofs, and there are many more.

Installing a green roof on a home is relatively easy, hire Central Coast Gutters. All you need is the proper waterproofing, a root repellent system, a drainage system, a growing medium, and plants. Installing a green roof is a great way to make your home more energy efficient, save money on utilities, and enhance the beauty of your home. You can even install green roofs yourself with the use of an online guide. If you aren’t handy, you can always contact a local contractor who can install green roofs for you.