Landing a Firefighting Job

Wouldn’t it be great if you could walk into the test room and perform well in the exam and be on your way to landing a firefighting job? Everyone who sits the fire fighter exam wants the same as you but most never get past the exam stage, why? Because they never prepared for it, you on the other hand have done and a firefighter job is becoming a reality not a dream.

Where to Look

Firefighting Foam Lawsuit

If you are looking for firefighting jobs then there are a number of options available to you. The blue pages of a telephone book are one option, with the second being the internet. Online you can look at websites that list government jobs.

Applying for a Firefighter Job

When submitting your résumé make sure that it is up to date. The information you submit on your résumé is also important and can be the difference between getting through and failing. Things like military service, further education or speaking an additional language will all count favorably for you as will any volunteer work that you do.

If you have any minor convictions these will be taken into account when you apply for a firefighting job, BUT, having a felony conviction or an arrest for any drugs violation will most likely eliminate you from consideration and you won’t get any further in your pursuit of becoming a fire fighter.

If you are unsure, it pays to talk to a fire fighter and ask him any questions you may have, a serving firefighter can give you valuable information about what to expect when you are chasing your dream of landing a firefighter job.

The Next Step

Being successful in sending in your application is just the first step if you want a firefighting job. The next step is the testing procedure which will test you for a number of carefully selected abilities the fire department thinks you should have. These are usually memory, basic math, verbal expression and problem solving to name a few so it pays for you to be familiar with the procedures before you take the exam.

Where to Look

There are a number of ways in which you can find out what the tests entail and all avenues should be explored:

– Some book stores will sell mock test papers so you could look there.

– The internet is a haven for mock tests of practically every job you can think of, including pages and pages of help and advice on the procedures involved in getting a firefighting job so it might be a good place to start.

– If you know a serving firefighter then why not ask them? They could help you no end and be a real valuable resource.

Hard Work But Worth It

When looking for information which will help you secure a firefighting job it pays for you to explore all avenues and glean as much information as you can before you go ahead and submit your application. Becoming a firefighter won’t be easy but when the dust settles and all around you have fallen you can stand tall and be what you always dreamt you would be a firefighter.