Wildlife Control – Defining the Goals of Your Wildlife Control Efforts

There are many options available for wildlife control. You may be considering shooting and trapping, but there are some important differences between these two methods. The former involves moving the nuisance animal away from your property, while the latter involves releasing it onsite, usually a short distance from where it was captured. However, there is one important difference between the two – both require that you do something with the wildlife animal after it is caught. And, unlike with other kinds of pest control, there is a strict limit on the time an officer can keep the wildlife in a trap.

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The objectives of wildlife control efforts should be specific, measurable, and relate to the harms and benefits that humans and animals may experience. For example, they should be based on the size and distribution of the species to be controlled, and should not result in significant harm to the animals themselves. It is also important to consider the needs of the community and the animal welfare. Once these goals are defined, wildlife control efforts can proceed. Adaptive management plans should be developed for each situation and should consider the human and animal welfare of all parties involved.

While human values may not change with the species, they do tend to change over time. In cases where people have conditioned animals to eat certain foods, eradicating them is a great idea. But such methods often result in more damage than they are worth. For these reasons, it is important to use human values to guide your decisions. This way, you can ensure that your wildlife-control efforts are effective while not causing harm to animals.