Norway Spruce is the traditional Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are a renowned symbol of Christmas and are available in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Without the presence of the tree many people would argue it just doesn’t feel like Christmas. That is why there are so many varieties out there on the market, ranging from artificial trees to real Christmas trees to pot grown trees! Please continue reading to discover the many types of tree there are available for you to put up in your living room or office.

Over the years the first type of tree, that has become widely popular recently, is the artificial tree. Artificial trees are argued to be better in the ways that they don’t have much maintenance, for instance there’s no need to water them and clean up any dead branches. Then there is the fact that they are available in a wide variety of colours and shapes. One particular type of artificial tree that is one of the most popular, is the fibre optic tree. Fibre optic trees save time on having to arrange to lights around the tree, so this could be a major reason they are so popular.

Without a doubt, the next variety of tree is the real sustainable christmas trees. This sort of tree is the most traditional option, with its unique aroma and distinctive branches, many people simply cannot go without one. Some people argue without the refreshing scent of the tree and its elegant presence it just doesn’t feel like Christmas. As with artificial trees, the real trees are available in a wide range of various types. The different types of real trees include:

Nordman Fir – The Nordman Fir (abies nordmanniana) is currently the most popular variety of Christmas Tree sold in the UK and across Europe. It has long, glossy, deep green needles that are soft and flexible to the touch. The natural growth habit is a bushy tree that can be as wide as it is tall. This variety does not have a strong fragrance, but it has excellent needle retention properties making it an ideal choice for an indoor tree.

Norway Spruce – The Norway Spruce (abies picea) is the traditional Christmas Tree. This is the variety most of us grew up with and have memories of finding needles long after the tree has been discarded. This variety is relatively easy to grow commercially but is not as profitable due to their limited popularity. The Norway Spruce has short, thin, non glossy needles that are quite sharp to the touch. They also have very poor needle retention when taken indoors. However, they have the traditional Christmas tree smell that many people know and love. You will often see large examples of these trees in you local town centres during the Christmas period.

Fraser Fir – The Fraser Fir (abies fraserii) is one of the more recent additions to the UK Christmas Tree market. However, these are the main variety of choice in America and a good Fraser is a beautiful tree. The needle retention is very good and it has a lovely citrus aroma. This variety is naturally slim in habit and is ideal for smaller spaces.